IKKIMSI Asks Disdik Bekasi City to Take Action on Alleged Bully in Al Azhar Sumarecon
SMP Al Azhar 31 Summarecon Bekasi. IKKIMSI (Bekasi City Youth Intellectual Studies Association) requested that the Mayor, the Education Office and the Bekasi City DPRD act in relation to the case.
According to the Chairperson of the IKKIMSI Presidium, Richi Ramdhani, a case of alleged beatings experienced by one of the students with the initial P was an alleged crime.
"The school is an educational institution. Children who lack knowledge are educated and fostered so that they become intelligent and useful children. Children who are stubborn are educated and fostered so they will be pious. Now, that is the function of the school in my opinion. "Where the deeds are purely criminal," said Richi in the Bekasi City Sports Hall.
Richi also said that the bullying and beatings cases were included in criminal acts. "According to Law No. 35 of 2014, the school must take responsibility, and not the child who is found wrong like the news that is in chaos right now," he said.
Richi also said, the Bekasi City Government should not be passive with cases like this. "Because cases of alleged bullying and beatings against students are acts of violence that have an impact on the growth of children in the future. Because, it could be that children affected by cases of revenge and they will do the same thing to their junior class," he said.
"Bekasi residents must oppose the alleged bullying at the Al Azhar Sumarecon school and anywhere. Stop right now," said Richi.
Previously, a student with the initial P was suspected of having experienced bullying and beatings. Ironically, as a victim, P was even asked by the school to leave Al Azhar Sumarecon Middle School.
The parents did not accept and ask for justice and report the case to the Bekasi City Child Protection Commission.
Sumarwanto, Al Azhar School Public Relations stated in a written statement on Monday, (9/12/2019), said, there had never been a beating action by a senior class against P. students.
Disdik Bekasi City Asked For Bully Allegation In Al Azhar Sumarecon
Korban Bully SMP Al Azhar 31 Summarecon Bekasi. IKKIMSI Asks Disdik Bekasi City to Take Action on Alleged Bully in Al Azhar Sumarecon
The alleged Bully case and student beatings that occurred in Al Azhar Sumarecon Bekasi City invited the attention of IKKIMSI (Bekasi City Youth Intellectual Studies Association) to ask the Mayor, the Education Office and the DPRD of Bekasi City to act.
According to information from Richi Ramdhani (Chairperson of the IKKIMSI Presidium), a suspected beating case experienced by one of the students with the initial P was an alleged crime.
"The school is an educational institution. Children who lack knowledge are educated and fostered so that they become intelligent and useful children. Children who are stubborn are educated and fostered so that they will get it. Now, that is the function of the school.
"In my opinion, if there are students in the bully in Keroyok then where is the process of coaching, education by the school! Because, the act is pure crime," he said when met at Gor Bekasi City.
In a written statement received, he also said, the cases of bullying and beatings were included in criminal acts.
"According to Law number 35 of 2014, the school must be held accountable and not the child who is found wrong like the news that is in a stir right now," he said.
Richi also said that the Bekasi City government should not be passive about cases like this. "Because cases of alleged bullying and beatings against students are acts of violence that have an impact on the growth of children in the future. Because, it could be that children affected by cases of revenge and they will do the same thing to their junior class," he said.
"Bekasi residents must oppose the alleged bullying at the Al Azhar Sumarecon school and anywhere. Stop right now," he said.
As is known a student with the initial P is suspected of having experienced bullying and beatings. Ironically, as a victim, P was asked by the school to get out of Azhar Sumarecon Middle School. The parents did not accept and ask for justice and report the case to the Bekasi City Child Protection Commission.
Previously, Sumarwanto, Public Relations of Al-Azhar School in a written statement stated, Monday (9/12/2019), there had never been a beating action by a senior class against P. students.
"In accordance with the findings of the facts in the field, there was never a beating by senior students to P students, but what happened was P made one-on-one physical contact with his classmates," Sumarwanto said.
The alleged Bully case and student beatings that occurred in Al Azhar Sumarecon Bekasi City invited the attention of IKKIMSI (Bekasi City Youth Intellectual Studies Association) to ask the Mayor, the Education Office and the DPRD of Bekasi City to act.
According to information from Richi Ramdhani (Chairperson of the IKKIMSI Presidium), a suspected beating case experienced by one of the students with the initial P was an alleged crime.
"The school is an educational institution. Children who lack knowledge are educated and fostered so that they become intelligent and useful children. Children who are stubborn are educated and fostered so that they will get it. Now, that is the function of the school.
"In my opinion, if there are students in the bully in Keroyok then where is the process of coaching, education by the school! Because, the act is pure crime," he said when met at Gor Bekasi City.
In a written statement received, he also said, the cases of bullying and beatings were included in criminal acts.
"According to Law number 35 of 2014, the school must be held accountable and not the child who is found wrong like the news that is in a stir right now," he said.
Richi also said that the Bekasi City government should not be passive about cases like this. "Because cases of alleged bullying and beatings against students are acts of violence that have an impact on the growth of children in the future. Because, it could be that children affected by cases of revenge and they will do the same thing to their junior class," he said.
"Bekasi residents must oppose the alleged bullying at the Al Azhar Sumarecon school and anywhere. Stop right now," he said.
As is known a student with the initial P is suspected of having experienced bullying and beatings. Ironically, as a victim, P was asked by the school to get out of Azhar Sumarecon Middle School. The parents did not accept and ask for justice and report the case to the Bekasi City Child Protection Commission.
Previously, Sumarwanto, Public Relations of Al-Azhar School in a written statement stated, Monday (9/12/2019), there had never been a beating action by a senior class against P. students.
"In accordance with the findings of the facts in the field, there was never a beating by senior students to P students, but what happened was P made one-on-one physical contact with his classmates," Sumarwanto said.
IN Front of Bekasi City's Al Azhar 31 Middle School, Bekasi City Youth Intellectual Studies Association Action to Stop Bully Allegations
Siswa SMP Al Azhar 31 Dianiaya. A number of dozens of students and youth, who are members of the Bekasi City Intellectual Studies Association, held a demonstration in front of Al Azhar 31 Middle School in Bekasi City.
The protesters called for justice for alleged bullying and beatings that occurred at the school.
According to the action coordinator, Zulkifli, that cases of bullying and suspected beatings must be clearly revealed.
Zul also said, students and young people demanded the first things Stop Bullying, Stop protecting bullying and beatings. The principal must be responsible for the safety and trauma of students who are bullied and beaten.
The action took place peacefully, a number of police and police and security forces seemed to be monitoring the course of the action.
Had a dispute, with a number of people shouting the demonstrators but students and youth can control themselves.
During the demonstration the Alzahar student from inside the building shouted obscenities.
His child is suspected to be a victim of bullying, a parent in Bekasi reports the KPAD
Bully SMP Al Azhar 31. Parents in the name of Azmi Fitriyasah (45), reported the alleged act of bullying which called their child initials P (12) to the Bekasi Regional Child Protection Commission (KPAD), Friday, (6/12/2019).
Azmi came to the KPAD office on Jalan Jenderal Ahmad Yani, a former Immigration building, Komplek GOR Bekasi, South Bekasi District, around 14.00 WIB accompanied by his wife.
The purpose of reporting this alleged bullying is so that their children receive fair treatment from the school. Because, P is known to often get violence done by her class sister when she was still attending Summarecon Bekasi Al-Azhar Middle School.
"So I came here to ask for justice from the KPAD for the treatment my son got, he was the victim of a beating by his senior," Azmi said after making a report in the Bekasi City KPAD.
Azmi explained, this alleged case of bullying was first revealed when her child was reluctant to go to school because she was afraid of being attacked by her senior.
"The last incident on September 26, 2019, my son cried as if he was lazy to go to school, instead he said 'Mother doesn't know that I was beaten'," he said.
From this confession Azmi went to the school to ask for clarification of what had happened to her child. He said that the school did not respond to allegations of bullying seriously.
Plus when he got a report from school that his son had a bad record. This is seen from the behavioral evaluation points that have reached 1000.
"If the Al-Azhar Summarecon school has a point system, if more than 1,000 points are issued," he said.
From there Azmi felt furious, her child who received bullying treatment actually received a big point while the bullying perpetrators who gang up on her child could still be accepted by the school.
"It should be fair, maybe my child was ever late, had a fight, so the eyes of the theme got points, but if the gang does not get points, instead they are protected, meaning that it's not fair," he explained.
Bullying Victims' Parents in Bekasi Call Their Children Had Experienced Injuries to the Lips and Head
SMP Al Azhar 31 Summarecon Bekasi. Azmi Fitriyasah (45), reported alleged acts of harassment or bullying that befell her child with the initial P (13) to the Bekasi Regional Child Protection Commission (KPAD), Friday, (6/12/2019).
This bullying was obtained when the 7th grade junior high school boy was attending Al-Azhar Summarecon Bekasi. Now, P chooses to transfer schools because he is labeled in violation of school rules based on an assessment point of behavior that exceeds 1000.
Azmi said, her child experienced bullying twice, the first incident occurred in the first three weeks of entering school.
"The first three weeks of entering the school my son was pulled off his collar by one person who then hit two in the chest," Azmi said when found at the KPAD office in Bekasi.
The second incident said Azmi occurred around September 2019. According to his son's confession, he was pulled into the school canteen and beaten by 10 people who were all 9th grade students in junior high school.
"At that time I did not have time to memumum, but I remember there was a red scar on the lips of my child, then I touched his head there was a bruise," he said.
After the incident, his son confessed to his wife that he had been beaten and reluctant to go to school on September 27, 2019.
Azmi then tried to coordinate with the homeroom teacher and the school. At first he had even wanted to report the alleged incident of bullying to the police.
"The school asked not to (police report), he said it would be resolved, but instead there was no action," he explained.
In Al-Azhar said Azmi applies a point system, where every student who is found to do bad behavior will be charged points.
This point, he said, is a kind of record, if it has reached 1,000 points, the most severe penalty can be issued or rise conditional. This is precisely what P. received.
"I think by resolving it there will be a point action to the perpetrators (bullying), because in the school there is a point system, but this is instead silenced," Azmi said.
The school actually reported that P points had been made more than 1000 points. This made him furious, his son who did not do the beating was actually subject to points.
"My son is considered a big point because of being late because of what, but if the criminal, the beating is not subject to a fair point, I refuse," he said firmly.
As a result of the incident, Azmi chose to revoke the son's file and chose to transfer schools. However, he still objected if the beating behavior was not subject to sanctions for alleged bullying.
Akhirnya Samsung Galaxy Note 9 Resmi Di Luncurkan
Buletin Nasional. Semakin dekat dengan kelahiran Samsung Galaxy Note 9, semakin banyak
bocoran yang muncul mendekati kebenaran dari ponsel tersebut.
Sebelumnya ada sejumlah gambar yang menunjukkan berbagai warna dari Galaxy Note 9. Dengan melihat gambar itu, Anda bakal merasa itu adalah bentuk dari Note 9 yang akan diluncurkan Agustus nanti.
Namun, Evan Blass -pembocor industri seluler- memberi kita pandangan yang lebih jelas tentang apa yang akan datang berkat foto-foto berkualitas tinggi baru dari Galaxy Note 9 yang baru saja di-posting online. Biru, cokelat, dan hitam adalah warna yang dipilih oleh Samsung untuk flagship mendatang, tapi warna lain yang mungkin belum diketahui juga akan tersedia.
Dari tiga warna itu, hanya satu, varian biru yang memiliki stylus S Pen berwarna berbeda. Sementara dua lainnya -hitam dan cokelat- cocok dengan warna smartphone.
Warna hitam, nada klasik yang dipercaya menargetkan mereka penuuka keseriusan. Sedangkan versi biru dipilih berdasarkan sambutan hangat terhadap warna Coral Blue Galaxy S8/S8 +.
Lalu opsi cokelat merupakan nilai plus yang ditujukan bagi calon pengguna yang lebih menyukai nada tak biasa.
Sebelumnya ada sejumlah gambar yang menunjukkan berbagai warna dari Galaxy Note 9. Dengan melihat gambar itu, Anda bakal merasa itu adalah bentuk dari Note 9 yang akan diluncurkan Agustus nanti.
Namun, Evan Blass -pembocor industri seluler- memberi kita pandangan yang lebih jelas tentang apa yang akan datang berkat foto-foto berkualitas tinggi baru dari Galaxy Note 9 yang baru saja di-posting online. Biru, cokelat, dan hitam adalah warna yang dipilih oleh Samsung untuk flagship mendatang, tapi warna lain yang mungkin belum diketahui juga akan tersedia.
Dari tiga warna itu, hanya satu, varian biru yang memiliki stylus S Pen berwarna berbeda. Sementara dua lainnya -hitam dan cokelat- cocok dengan warna smartphone.
Warna hitam, nada klasik yang dipercaya menargetkan mereka penuuka keseriusan. Sedangkan versi biru dipilih berdasarkan sambutan hangat terhadap warna Coral Blue Galaxy S8/S8 +.
Lalu opsi cokelat merupakan nilai plus yang ditujukan bagi calon pengguna yang lebih menyukai nada tak biasa.
Kalashnikov Membuat Mobil Listrik Untuk Bersaing Melawan Tesla
Harian Press. Kalashnikov, mendengar namanya ingatan kita langsung tertuju kepada
senapan serbu legendaris AK-47, singkatan dari Avtomat Kalashnikova.
Seiring perkembangannya, Kalashnikov Group tidak hanya membuat alat
utama sistem persenjataan (alut sista), industri pertahanan Rusia ini
juga mengembangkan kendaraan canggih dan bahkan menyatakan ingin
bersaing dengan Tesla karya Elon Musk.
Mengutip dari CNBC, Kalashnikov Group mempresentasikan mobil listrik bergaya retro pada pameran produk pertahanan dan sipil Rusia di luar Moskow pada Kamis (23/8) lewat.
Kendaraan berkelir biru tersebut dinamakan CV-1. Kalashnikov mengatakan dalam sebuah pernyataan di situsnya bahwa desain kotaknya terinspirasi dari mobil hatchback zaman Uni Soviet yang dikembangkan pada 1970-an.
Sementara Saingi Tesla, Kalashnikov Bikin Mobil Listrik Group juga mengatakan, mobil CV-1 menampilkan teknologi mutakhir yang akan membuatnya berdiri sejajar dengan produsen mobil listrik global seperti Tesla. Mobil CV-1 dapat menempuh jarak 217 mil dengan sekali pengisian dan dapat mencapai 100 kilometer per jam (62 mil per jam) dalam enam detik.
Menariknya, dalam situs media sosial Twitter mereka, Kalashnikov menampilkan gambar mobil CV-1 dan meminta pendapat bos Tesla Elon Musk tentang mobil listrik anyar ini. Lantaran masih tahap prototipe, harga dan detail kendaraan masih dirahasiakan.
Mengutip dari CNBC, Kalashnikov Group mempresentasikan mobil listrik bergaya retro pada pameran produk pertahanan dan sipil Rusia di luar Moskow pada Kamis (23/8) lewat.
Kendaraan berkelir biru tersebut dinamakan CV-1. Kalashnikov mengatakan dalam sebuah pernyataan di situsnya bahwa desain kotaknya terinspirasi dari mobil hatchback zaman Uni Soviet yang dikembangkan pada 1970-an.
Sementara Saingi Tesla, Kalashnikov Bikin Mobil Listrik Group juga mengatakan, mobil CV-1 menampilkan teknologi mutakhir yang akan membuatnya berdiri sejajar dengan produsen mobil listrik global seperti Tesla. Mobil CV-1 dapat menempuh jarak 217 mil dengan sekali pengisian dan dapat mencapai 100 kilometer per jam (62 mil per jam) dalam enam detik.
Menariknya, dalam situs media sosial Twitter mereka, Kalashnikov menampilkan gambar mobil CV-1 dan meminta pendapat bos Tesla Elon Musk tentang mobil listrik anyar ini. Lantaran masih tahap prototipe, harga dan detail kendaraan masih dirahasiakan.
#Tag :
Honor 8X Max Terkonfirmasi Hadir Dengan Bekal Snapdragon 660 Resmi Di Luncurkan
Pojok Pos. Huawei tengah menggarap generasi penerus Honor 7X yang sudah dirilis
pada Oktober 2017 lalu, yakni Honor 8X. Dan hari Minggu, secara resmi
mereka mengonfirmasi kehadiran ponsel pintar tersebut.
Sesuai dengan teaser yang diunggah, Honor 8X akan diumumkan bersama Honor 8X Max -ponsel layar 7,12 inci dengan resolusi FHD + (1080 x 2244 piksel). Spekulasi yag ada menyebutkan kedua perangkat menggunakan chipset Qualcomm Snapdragon (SD) 636, tapi teaser resmi mengungkap hal lainnya.
Menurut gambar di media sosial China, Weibo, Honor 8X teronfirmasi membawa Snapdragon 660. Meskipun daftarnya tidak pernah mengacu pada Honor 8X, nomor modelnya dihitung dengan model Honor 8X yang baru-baru ini muncul di situs lembaga pengawas telekomunikasi China, TENAA, yakni nomor model ARE-AL00.
Kedua perangkat diharapkan memamerkan layar dengan takik kecil dan sesuai daftar TENAA, varian Honor 8X diperkirakan membenamkan kamera ganda (16 MP + 2 MP) di di bodi belakang. Pada bagian depannya, handset dipersenjatai kamera 8 MP yang ditempatkan di takik kecilnya.
Sementara itu, Honor 8X dikabarkan menyematkan teknologi sensor sidik jari. Dan yang paling menyenangkan, ponsel yang bakal dirilis 5 September ini didukung oleh baterai berkapasitas 4.900 mAh.
Sesuai dengan teaser yang diunggah, Honor 8X akan diumumkan bersama Honor 8X Max -ponsel layar 7,12 inci dengan resolusi FHD + (1080 x 2244 piksel). Spekulasi yag ada menyebutkan kedua perangkat menggunakan chipset Qualcomm Snapdragon (SD) 636, tapi teaser resmi mengungkap hal lainnya.
Menurut gambar di media sosial China, Weibo, Honor 8X teronfirmasi membawa Snapdragon 660. Meskipun daftarnya tidak pernah mengacu pada Honor 8X, nomor modelnya dihitung dengan model Honor 8X yang baru-baru ini muncul di situs lembaga pengawas telekomunikasi China, TENAA, yakni nomor model ARE-AL00.
Kedua perangkat diharapkan memamerkan layar dengan takik kecil dan sesuai daftar TENAA, varian Honor 8X diperkirakan membenamkan kamera ganda (16 MP + 2 MP) di di bodi belakang. Pada bagian depannya, handset dipersenjatai kamera 8 MP yang ditempatkan di takik kecilnya.
Sementara itu, Honor 8X dikabarkan menyematkan teknologi sensor sidik jari. Dan yang paling menyenangkan, ponsel yang bakal dirilis 5 September ini didukung oleh baterai berkapasitas 4.900 mAh.
Sony Luncurkan Xperia XZ3 Dengan Balutan Kaca-Logam Tahun 2018
Kanal Utama. Tahun ini Sony berencana meluncurkan flagship terbarunya,
namanya Xperia XZ3. Setelah lama rumornya hilir-mudik di jagad maya,
tampilan jelas perdananya baru saja muncul di internet.
Xperia XZ3 diperkirakan akan resmi pada musim gugur ini. Dilihat dari render yang bocor baru-baru ini, ponsel itu tidak membawa terlalu banyak perubahan desain.
Dilansir dari laman My Smart Price, Sony Xperia XZ3 dalam gambar bocoran persnya menunjukkan tampilan tradisional dengan membangunnya serbalogam. Selain itu, gambar membuktikan bahwa Sony Mobile memang suka membuat ponselnya tetap terlihat tradisional.
Dengan demikian, kita jangan berharap bakal melihat layar berlekuk atau kamera ganda pada Xperia XZ3. Padahal dua fitur baru ini bukanlah inovasi yang buruk.
Masih merujuk gambar yang sama, Sony membawa sensor sidik jari di bagian belakang ponsel. Di bagian yang sama juga ditempatkan flash yang sangat kecil dan sensor lain yang menjadi bagian dari teknologi fokus Hybrid Sony.
Sony Xperia XZ3 menganut desain depan full-kaca. Sedangkan bagian belakang ponsel terbuat dari logam.
Sayangnya belum ada informasi akurat seputar hadrware atau perangkat keras di dalam Xperia XZ3. Rumor yang beredar menyebutkan perangkat dilengkapi prosesor Qualcomm Snapdragon 845, RAM 6 GB, dan penyimpanan internal 128 GB.
Sementara itu, pabrikan teknologi Jepang ini digosipkan akan melepas Xperia XZ3 pada tanggal 30 Agustus, saat perhetaltan IFA 2018 di Berlin, Jerman. Tetapi Sony sampai sekarang belum mengonfirmasi kebenaran rumor itu.
Xperia XZ3 diperkirakan akan resmi pada musim gugur ini. Dilihat dari render yang bocor baru-baru ini, ponsel itu tidak membawa terlalu banyak perubahan desain.
Dilansir dari laman My Smart Price, Sony Xperia XZ3 dalam gambar bocoran persnya menunjukkan tampilan tradisional dengan membangunnya serbalogam. Selain itu, gambar membuktikan bahwa Sony Mobile memang suka membuat ponselnya tetap terlihat tradisional.
Dengan demikian, kita jangan berharap bakal melihat layar berlekuk atau kamera ganda pada Xperia XZ3. Padahal dua fitur baru ini bukanlah inovasi yang buruk.
Masih merujuk gambar yang sama, Sony membawa sensor sidik jari di bagian belakang ponsel. Di bagian yang sama juga ditempatkan flash yang sangat kecil dan sensor lain yang menjadi bagian dari teknologi fokus Hybrid Sony.
Sony Xperia XZ3 menganut desain depan full-kaca. Sedangkan bagian belakang ponsel terbuat dari logam.
Sayangnya belum ada informasi akurat seputar hadrware atau perangkat keras di dalam Xperia XZ3. Rumor yang beredar menyebutkan perangkat dilengkapi prosesor Qualcomm Snapdragon 845, RAM 6 GB, dan penyimpanan internal 128 GB.
Sementara itu, pabrikan teknologi Jepang ini digosipkan akan melepas Xperia XZ3 pada tanggal 30 Agustus, saat perhetaltan IFA 2018 di Berlin, Jerman. Tetapi Sony sampai sekarang belum mengonfirmasi kebenaran rumor itu.
Gunadi, Pemotor Indonesia Solo Ride Jakarta-Himalaya Membawa Misi Perdamaian
Pojok Nasional. Adalah Gunadi, yang akan melakukan solo ride mengendarai motor dari
Jakarta menuju Himalaya. Pada hari Minggu, Gunadi mengawali misi
perdamaian sejauh 15.000 km, dengan melewati enam negara, yaitu
Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Myanmar, Nepal dan India. Sebuah
perjalanan panjang dan menantang akan dihadapi pemotor Indonesia.
Gunadi melakukan solo ride dengan mengusung misi aksi keselamatan jalan, keberhasilan pembangunan nasional, pelestarian lingkungan hidup, persahabatan antar bangsa dan brotherhood has no border. Kegiatan solo ride yang didukung oleh Kementerian Perhubungan RI, ditandai dengan pelepasan oleh perwakilan Kementerian Perhubungan bersama Swandajani Gunadi selaku Direktur Marketing dan SDM Adira Finance serta beberapa duta besar negara sahabat dan beberapa pihak yang mendukung acara tersebut.
”Adira Finance mendukung penuh kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh Gunadi selaku anak bangsa yang membawa misi positif dalam perjalanan Jakarta menuju Himalaya terutama dalam keselamatan di jalan. Kami berharap semoga perjalanan ini berjalan dengan lancar tanpa hambatan dan selamat sampai ke tempat tujuan serta misi yang dibawa dapat tersampaikan secara menyeluruh tidak hanya di Indonesia namun juga di seluruh negara yang dilewati dalam perjalanan ini,” ujar Swandajani Gunadi, Direktur Marketing dan SDM Adira Finance di Gedung Kementerian Perhubungan RI.
Di acara ini, Adira Finance juga kembali memperkenalkan inovasi digital AKSES Adira Finance dan situs e-commerce jual beli motor bekas berkualitas yaitu momotor.id kepada komunitas ataupun undangan yang hadir pada acara siang hari ini. Aplikasi AKSES Adira Finance merupakan bentuk komunikasi digital antara Adira Finance dengan konsumen yang menawarkan berbagai fitur lengkap dan bermanfaat yang diharapkan dapat memberikan informasi dan layanan yang dibutuhkan oleh konsumen ataupun calon konsumen.
Adapun AKSES Adira Finance dapat diunduh pada smartphone Android melalui Google Playstore atau dapat diakses melalui portal www.aksesadirafinance.com. Tidak hanya itu, pengunjung acara juga dapat mengenal situs e-commerce momotor.id lebih jauh yang merupakan inovasi digital terbaru Adira Finance untuk menjawab kebutuhan konsumen akan situs e-commerce jual beli motor bekas berkualitas.
”Menjadi komitmen Adira Finance untuk memberikan kontribusi terbaik dengan selalu menghadirkan beragam inovasi produk dan layanan pembiayaan, untuk memenuhi berbagai kebutuhan hidup masyarakat di setiap siklus kehidupannya,” tutup Swandajani.
Gunadi melakukan solo ride dengan mengusung misi aksi keselamatan jalan, keberhasilan pembangunan nasional, pelestarian lingkungan hidup, persahabatan antar bangsa dan brotherhood has no border. Kegiatan solo ride yang didukung oleh Kementerian Perhubungan RI, ditandai dengan pelepasan oleh perwakilan Kementerian Perhubungan bersama Swandajani Gunadi selaku Direktur Marketing dan SDM Adira Finance serta beberapa duta besar negara sahabat dan beberapa pihak yang mendukung acara tersebut.
”Adira Finance mendukung penuh kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh Gunadi selaku anak bangsa yang membawa misi positif dalam perjalanan Jakarta menuju Himalaya terutama dalam keselamatan di jalan. Kami berharap semoga perjalanan ini berjalan dengan lancar tanpa hambatan dan selamat sampai ke tempat tujuan serta misi yang dibawa dapat tersampaikan secara menyeluruh tidak hanya di Indonesia namun juga di seluruh negara yang dilewati dalam perjalanan ini,” ujar Swandajani Gunadi, Direktur Marketing dan SDM Adira Finance di Gedung Kementerian Perhubungan RI.
Di acara ini, Adira Finance juga kembali memperkenalkan inovasi digital AKSES Adira Finance dan situs e-commerce jual beli motor bekas berkualitas yaitu momotor.id kepada komunitas ataupun undangan yang hadir pada acara siang hari ini. Aplikasi AKSES Adira Finance merupakan bentuk komunikasi digital antara Adira Finance dengan konsumen yang menawarkan berbagai fitur lengkap dan bermanfaat yang diharapkan dapat memberikan informasi dan layanan yang dibutuhkan oleh konsumen ataupun calon konsumen.
Adapun AKSES Adira Finance dapat diunduh pada smartphone Android melalui Google Playstore atau dapat diakses melalui portal www.aksesadirafinance.com. Tidak hanya itu, pengunjung acara juga dapat mengenal situs e-commerce momotor.id lebih jauh yang merupakan inovasi digital terbaru Adira Finance untuk menjawab kebutuhan konsumen akan situs e-commerce jual beli motor bekas berkualitas.
”Menjadi komitmen Adira Finance untuk memberikan kontribusi terbaik dengan selalu menghadirkan beragam inovasi produk dan layanan pembiayaan, untuk memenuhi berbagai kebutuhan hidup masyarakat di setiap siklus kehidupannya,” tutup Swandajani.
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